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Summary of discussions and decisions made-Webinars for EABRN members(1)


On the occasion of the extraordinary meeting held on 26 April 2021, all representatives attending that day stressed the importance of keeping the network active in 2021, and of giving continuity to our efforts to support a growing network of biosphere reserves in East Asia with training activities as well as the publication of guidelines.

With the agreement and support of the donor, the Secretariat started the series of online training activities which were introduced in the present document. The training webinars addressed topics of interest which have been identified in agreement with the Steering Committee, and involved trainers from various countries, in the greatest part suggested by the members of the Steering Committee.

At the request of the members, the training webinars were held during September – October 2021. Because of the diversity of languages in the network, the webinars were held entirely in English.

The Training Webinars were organized and managed by the Secretariat on the ZOOM Platform. Each webinar had a maximum duration of 2 hours. After 3 presentations/lessons by trainers of a maximum duration of 30 minutes each, about 20mins was left for Questions and Answers sessions between the trainers and the audience, which were moderated by the Secretariat. The webinars were recorded and made available on the EARBN webpage for further vision.

The participation in the training webinars was free of charge and open to all members of the East Asian Biosphere Reserves Network (staff and stakeholders of biosphere reserves, members of the MAB National Committees and associated experts from universities, research institutions, and UNESCO Chairs).

Timeline and topics

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